Breathe – a Poetic Meditation for gratefulness, forgiveness, and letting go



Breathe……. gratefulness, forgiveness, and letting go to move forwards (the script)

Relax your body from top to toe.
Relax, relax.
Feel your heart beating, steady slow.
Through every part of you – feel the blood flow.
Breathe, Breathe.

Think of all the things to be grateful for –
and give thanks –
all the things that help you survive –
each morning, each day, each night –
the things that make life worth living,
the little tasty pleasures,
the beautiful, the intriguing,
the chance to help others –
breathe, breathe
and appreciate them.

Thank those who love you, believe in you –
Inhale that love, breathe, breathe,
and send love back.
Thank those who are there for you –
smile, and send them hugs.
Thank those who listen to you,
Those who treat you with respect,
and those who you know really care.
Breathe and feel them in your heart.
Breathe, breathe; and relax.

Forgive any issues,
misunderstandings from the past –
let go of all regrets, concerns.
Breathe, breathe.
Relax and breathe them out.
Feel your heart beating, steady, slow.
Through every part of you,
Relax, and feel the blood flow.
Breathe, breathe;
Relax and let everything go.

Now, now – you are new,
and refreshed.
This is the moment you step into next.
Breathe, breathe;
and go forward in peace.

New beginnings await you –
it’s up to you what that means.
Breathe, breathe;
and know you have strength
for whatever adventures you meet.


Recharge and Balance Meditation



Recharge & Balance – the script for the above Meditation

Make sure you are going to stay quiet & warm throughout.
Settle comfortably & relax your body.
Breathe gently & Relax.
Breathe gently & Smile to enhance the effects.
Now follow the actions, and say these words in your heart:

I am open to the Cosmic Life Force.
I am grateful for its sustenance of me.
I am grateful for the chance to experience life here.
I am grateful for the beauty here and all around everywhere.
Thank you, thank you.
I am grateful for the lessons here too.

I feel the Cosmic Life Force recharging me.
(Breathe gently)
It gives me vitality – every day.
(Breathe it in)
It recharges me – it enables me to do what I want & need to.
(Breathe it in)
It sustains me as I live my life here.
Thank you.

I am part of the Universal Flow.
I am one with it – living in it.
(Breathe it in)
I am experiencing life – experiencing consciousness –
extending the flow.
(Breathe it in & out again.)
I feel it in me – running through me –
balancing me – helping me be my true self –
blessing me – blessing me.
Thank you,

The Universal Flow balances me whenever I need it.
(Breathe gently, knowing this.)
It aligns my energies efficiently.
(Breathe, breathe, & smile)
It enables me to return to my best self.
(Breathe gently)
I am balanced in all situations.
Thank you – Thank you.

The Universal Flow allows me to let go.
(Breathe, breathe.)
I let go of things that are not beneficial to me –
whether mental, emotional, or physical.
(Breathe, and let go.)
I let go of all blocks to my happiness & health.
(Breathe, breathe, and let go.)
I relax and regain total balance now.
(Breathe gently)
Thank you – thank you.

I am now balanced – and recharged.
I know I can constantly live in this Flow.
I know that the Life Force constantly sustains & recharges me.
I am very grateful for all of this.
(Breathe gently.)
I also know that I can Consciously Ask
for the effects to be enhanced anytime I wish.
I just need to relax, breathe gently,
focus on the feelings, and let it happen –
then smile, and give thanks.

Waterfall Meditation


Waterfall Meditation to Relax and Cleanse – with script below


A lovely waterfall for you to stand under to relax and cleanse – both externally and internally.


I want you to close you eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Today you are going to give yourself a treat!

Smile, and nod to yourself, you deserve it!

This is going to be good for sure.


Now I want you to imagine that you have arrived in a beautiful warm place where there is a waterfall.

It is just about the height of a double storey house, and it is very easy to walk right up to it.


Now imagine all the rest – the detail – exactly what it looks like, sounds like, smells like.

Is there a little pool beneath it, or is there flat rock or sand, or are there boulders and moss?

Are there trees or bushes or flowers around the area?

Are there birds singing, butterflies fluttering, and other living things about?

Picture where the sun is shining and what is in shade.

Just keep looking at this beautiful scene while you breathe out and in, slowly, deeply.
Feel the beauty enveloping you.


You feel drawn towards the waterfall itself now, and begin to walk forward.

You want to feel that water on your skin.

You move further and further towards it in your minds-eye, and prepare to get in under it.

You long to feel the water massaging your shoulders and back.


Eventually you are there – standing under the waterfall, absorbing the wonderful feel of the water on your head, and every part of your body.

You turn to let it reach all the parts you want, then you stand straight to let it really massage away any stresses and strains you may have carried.

You feel them washing away from you.  You are letting go more and more.

All the tensions are dissolving and slipping away.

They run off with the stream downhill, and you are able to breath more and more deeply as you relax.

You start to feel joy coming in, it is filling up all that freed up space, gladly.

Feel it pouring into you.

You may sing to yourself as you feel more and more renewed and rejuvenated – or you may simply move your body gleefully in a happy jump or dance.


Now imagine that even the inside of you is being cleaned along with the rest.

Just feel the movement of the water dissolving all the gunk, like mud being rinsed out with a hosepipe, and watch it wash away.

This includes emotional gunk, worries about anything at home or work, any negative feelings.

The pressure of the water simply unclogs everything.

Let it go. Let it go.

If you want to, you can use your hands to help rub everything away.

You can shake your head, your arms, your legs, you can even jump up and down or stamp each foot in turn, until it’s all gone.

All that is left is the pure you, fresh and renewed.

You feel a whoop of joy, or laughter, or song, bubbling up as you reach the end of the process, knowing you are free of the weight of all that has now gone.



It’s up to you now if you want to stay and play awhile or come straight out.

Magically, when you need it, there is a soft towel for you on a bush or rock or laid on the grass – just ready to be softly wrapped around you – the new refreshed you – prepared to go forth once more into the world.  Yes!

Picture yourself dressing, or continuing to play, and when you are ready, open your eyes and return to your normal space.


If in a group, you may like to take a little while to share your experience, or you may wish to write something down, or even draw.


Further Practice:


You can use this waterfall again anytime you want, or envisage a different one.

You could even do a similar cleansing visualisation in your shower.


Deeper Practice:


If you have a problem you want to sort out, or a decision to make, then you can ask for help with this while you are under the flow of the water.

Ask the water to clear away all that is irrelevant and leave you with crystal clear insight about what to do.


If you have no idea at all of where to turn, you can ask the falling water to give you clues.
While your mind is in this open state, you should be able to interpret those clues intuitively, for example the water may seem to wash around a rock in the shape of something relevant, or you may simply get a picture or idea in your head.

You may even see something come into your landscape, like a fish, a bird, or an animal, to show you something – so if something seems to appear in answer to your question, watch closely what it does, shows you, or brings you.

Just trust your impressions, and make what you can from it.

Your own brain often uses symbols, like in dreams, to try to help you resolve something.  Poets and artists use such symbols in their work to deliver particular meaning.

As you stand there with you clue, a sort of story may form around it while the water continues to cleanse and assist you.

Or the wider story or meaning may develop later on.  Once back in your normal state, for example, you might even come across one of your given symbols, so take note of what that is showing you.

Blessings to all of you.







#affirmations – every day, i fill my #heart with new #thoughts, sweet thoughts

#affirmations – my #heart is open wide to #universe of #love and #grace

#affirmations – #universe is infinite #conscious #dream of bliss

#affirmations – #love and #grace fill me, spreading through me from my #heart

#affirmations – every day i connect with this #universe, this well-spring of #grace

#affirmations – my aura lets in #bliss but keeps out rubbish. I am strong, #detached from trash, but steady & continually #renewed

#affirmations – #emotions of others do not cling to me, #stress burns off like waves of heat, #fears swim away as though they never existed

#affirmations – i simply remember the #lessons & focus on my #intentions, giving #thanks for the #path i have walked & what it taught me

#affirmations – #peace surrounds me in every moment, i am #secure

#affirmations – i #breathe in the rhythms of the #universe, i flow with the #breath of the universe

#affirmations – i let go of #tensions, they float away from me but can do no harm to others, as the #universe neutralises them

#affirmations – i #love & i am #loved. I #am love.

#affirmations – i am part of the #infinite #beauty

#affirmations – i tap into the #wisdom that is everywhere

#affirmations – i listen to my inner #wisdom & follow my #joy

#affirmations – i let go of #distractions to be #me

#affirmations – i attract #peace & I am peace

#affirmations – my #truth is my #freedom

My mind & body are tools of my soul. I choose how I use them to dance my path. 

I thank my #body and my #mind for being with me, and take care of them. They are my partners, not my servants. I #respect them infinitely.

#Peace / #love / #freedom – all begin with me. It is my #responsibility to be peace, love, freedom.

I recognise when people show me erroneous thoughts or programs inside me that need cleaning, because they act like mirrors for me. It’s not my fault but it is my responsibility to rectify.

If you want to change anything, do it inside you first. Everything inside you is projected out. Love can change anything. Be your own guru.

The conscious mind can initiate the release of memories and unconscious programs replaying to fill our heads, instead of engaging with them.

Memories replaying interfere with our natural connection to the void or zero point where we connect with the grace and love of the Divine.

The Superconscious Mind lies between the Infinite Divine Intelligence & the rest of us. You can open up to operate from Divine Inspiration.

Shakespeare called repeating memories “fore-bemoaned moans”. Why let them play over & over when you can clean them & be freed?

At zero point, everything is pure grace. Let go to arrive at zero. When you get to zero, you also get infinity.

– I ask Divine to lead my life, so that I can truly be me & allow what is meant to happen to proceed gloriously.

I am aligned with my blueprint. I am love, I am loved, I am love. Thank you.

I am constantly both at peace and awestruck. The world we have come to experience is so amazing. 


All art & affirmations by Julia Woodman of Radiance Solutions


more affirmations here


Simple Breathing Meditation (relaxing and letting go, plus gaining confidence & respect))



Use a very simple meditation to breathe out stress:

  • Sit or lie comfortably but making sure that no part of your body is restricted or strained (no sitting on feet, crossed legs, or lying on one elbow etc.
  • Now breathe deeply in and out, focusing on the breath and making it slow down.  Counting your in breath, then counting a pause, then counting the outbreath, can help.  Find a natural rhythm for you.
  • Now focus on relaxing parts of your body from the top down.  Head, face, neck, shoulders, arms.
  • Breathe deeply, and wriggle a bit if you feel inclined to, then do those same areas again.
  • Breathe deeply, and move down the body gradually until you are relaxed from top to toe.
  • Just to check, ask you body if there are any tense areas left, and go back to these.
    Use the word RELAX – say it slowly but meaningfully to yourself as you feel your muscles soften.
  • Now Breathe to let go of past issues – take deep breaths in, and let go as you breathe out.
  • LET GO of any tensions regarding past relationships.
    Allow yourself to let them go – you do not need to carry them now.
    Keep breathing until they are all gone, then give a last big sigh along with a shrug, shake, or wriggle.
  • Breathe out tensions regarding outside things or involvements affecting you or your family.
    Know that you can cope with this.  Take strength from what you have managed so far.
  • Breathe in confidence and self respect.  Ask the universe (or God) to support you, to give you the energy to continue to be strong, and balanced.
  • Now breathe out tensions about any financial or other worries hanging over you.
    You know you can only do your best, make what plans you can, and try to greet each day as it comes.  There is no point in wasting more energy on worrying, once you’ve done what you can.
  • Now breathe out any tensions about current family or relationship issues.
    Focus instead on all the positive things you are trying to do.
    Think also about the good things, the funny things, the loveable things, and be grateful.
  • Shrug, shake, or wriggle to let go of any last bits of tension, and you are done.

Use my mediations videos on youtube –

to help get you started on more ideas, and to get more of a hang of the idea of meditation itself –

or tracks on soundcloud –
(Julia Woodman / Radiance Solutions)

Life Coaching, Counselling, Healing, Creativity – (Advice & Support available by phone or email)



Some Coping Strategies & Support Ideas for Mums with Young Children


Effective Strategies to help you Cope if things have got Tough, and also
to help you re-engage Joyfully with life and make Practical Plans for further
Goals. T
his is especially slanted to suit mums, but is helpful for anybody.

by Julia Woodman – Life Coach, Counsellor, Stress Consultant, and Writer


How about keeping a special book to write down lists, notes, responses and observations as
you go along.  This is a special record of things you will want to know where to find and refer
back to easily from time to time.

If you are setting out on this journey with young children, then use a large scrapbook for them
as well.  Encourage them to explore the world around them and draw and stick things into their
scrapbook as they go.

Make the best of what you have.  List all the good things about and around you, and focus
on appreciating them by referring to your list every day.  This should include :

• Things about yourself (assets, skills, attributes – for example, you might have child care skills,
be a good cook, a loyal partner, have beautiful hair, strong arms, be friendly, have a great sense
of humour, good health, good home, job that fits around family so that you can be there for them,
considerate, helpful, creative)

• Things about your friends and family etc – listing each person separately is probably best
(very similar to above, including things like: loving partner you can communicate well
with, great children, sensible teenager, friends you can chat at ease with, parent you can
ask for help, practical brother, understanding boss, etc.)

• Things about your surroundings ( beautiful hills and valleys you can walk in, rivers to fish
or swim in, amazing flowers or butterflies you can look at or smell or draw or photograph,
places to go out and listen to music and dance, gym, martial arts or yoga etc classes,
seaside for watersports, swimming pool, good school, other kids that your kids can
spend time with, good weather for growing your crops or veg etc, access to good health
support, libraries, college, jobs, etc.)

You can also refer back to this list to make sure you remember to make use of
the good stuff – for example, keep a diary perhaps to just take note of inspiring
things at any time, and to draw in or write poems in about the beautiful things
in any wild spaces you visit.

You might like to cook a special meal for your partner or family or even just for yourself,
find ways to ensure that you keep up with your friends (even if just via the internet if they
are far away), find fun ways to keep fit, set aside time for good movies or comedy shows
or music events, access resources and knowledge available, play games with your friends
and family, etc.  Remember to give praise to partners and children when you can.

When taking walks or going on trips with your children it is great to point out how things
work along the way, and show them the beautiful details in nature, encourage them to
draw or write about it, or stick things in their scrapbooks, such as leaflets about where
you have been.  You could help them draw a flower or leaf, and then press it between the
pages of a heavy book in greaseproof paper (which keeps it more vibrant than tissue paper).
Then later on when it has dried you can compare it to the drawing, maybe even
stick it into the scrapbook next to the drawing.

“Beauty is alive in every moment, riding the breath of life
to remind you of the 
flower that is your heart.” Global Love Project

“To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.” Mary Oliver

Basically, if you practice paying attention to all the beauty and detail of life,
you are bearing witness to what is possible, and showing appreciation
of the diversity,thereby also increasing your own sense of joy in
being alive,and your capacity for learning and creativity.

Young children can understand a lot more than we tend to think, and it is crucial to keep
their curiosity, sense of wonder, and thirst for knowledge alive.  You too can enjoy their
delight if you help them for example by using illustrated information books.  It is
wonderful if you can put on a little act and exclaim with delight or awe at some of the
amazing details.


Effective communication is vital, whether it be at work, or with family, children, or
friends.  Be prepared to ensure that you have your fair say in a respectful way.  Again, it
is good to write things down in preparation so that you are clear about what the most
important one or two things you want to discuss are, and don’t muddy the waters with all
sorts of vague bits and pieces.  I do have more detailed articles and videos about
communication available via my website

Let go of small things that niggle at you by concentrating on being grateful for the good
things.  What does the other stuff matter by comparison?  We all know that no one is
perfect, so let’s stop expecting them to be.  If you give praise for the good stuff it will
make everybody (including yourself) feel more willing to try to be their best.

List the knowledge and skills that you already have, and appreciate those too.
These are the building blocks of your life. No thing is too small, so put them all down.

If you are lacking in confidence then use affirmations to help build this up.
There are also some of these available via my website.

You can also learn to write your own – they must always be written in the present tense.

A wonderful affirmation that helps balance your mind, body, and spirit because it aligns
you with the earth and the universe (both of which crucially allow and support life) is to
simply say “I love, and I am loved”.  You need to be comfortable, take a few deep
breaths to relax and focus, and then say this aloud and feel that it is true.  Your
relationship with the universe and with the earth is fundamental to who you are.  Be at
ease with yourself, and let the energy flow up and down your spine as you stand upon the
earth, holding your head steady, repeating this until you know that it is true.

When we are balanced, it is easy for others to love us, because we hold a steadiness in
our hearts and do not react to trivial things.  You are regaining your connection with the
deep self and the real world beneath all the crazy stuff and meaningless rules we have
piled on it.  Breathe deeply and feel yourself to be more free.


As you progress through all these ideas here and in some of my other materials, you will
find that your confidence increases quite naturally.  You have to know that you are
worth it.  Everyone has an equal right to live their lives as they choose because each one
of us is a vital part of the overall diversity of life and consciousness. You are a unique
human being come to experience life on this planet so you should aim to learn from
everything, even what we would normally term as negative because the most challenging
things usually have the most potential to teach us stuff.  Even illness can be viewed as the
body trying to show us that it needs attention, so once you start listening to that and doing
something about it, you are taking the positive steps you need to.  It is your life, and you
have the power to choose to make it good for you.  You should not be afraid to follow your
heart and fulfil your dreams, don’t listen to people who tell you otherwise, or to any
niggling doubts in your ego ­mind.

Our minds can be used as tools to help us help ourselves, instead of allowing
ourselves to be subjected to some of the silly thoughts, fears, and worries that tend to go
round in our heads if we let them.  Stop listening to that sort of negative stuff and focus on
the positive.  Think about it – worry is a total waste of energy because it does not achieve
anything productive.  All it does is show us that perhaps we need to take care to prepare
for whatever it is we are worrying about or fearing, so that we can face it instead of letting
it knock us down.  Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real – usually if we just
get on and do what we are afraid of, then we find it is all fine after all – so we need to learn
to stop our minds getting in the way, and use them instead to help us move forwards.

By making these lists of all the good stuff, we can then remind ourselves of things to
inspire and motivate us.  We can say “AHHHH YES I CAN DO THIS. Look – I already
have some of the skills, and I can learn the rest, and find out what I need to know and do
to be successful.”  You can learn to follow your heart to be who you truly want to be.

If you feel stressed or depressed, then look for my articles that can help with such
issues, which are again available on my website

There is a full Stress Busting guide available too.  Don’t let these things steal your power,
learn how to deal with them!  I also have some simple visualizations to help you relax, but
meditation is even more powerful, so if you are prepared to put in the work, go for my
full meditation guide, and you should be well rewarded for your efforts.  Meditation takes
you into a sense of bliss that arises from a combination of personal and universal power.

Promise yourself that you are going to stop beating yourself up about anything –
you are doing the best you can for the moment, and as you find out how best to move forward,
you will continue to be doing the best that you can in each moment.  Of course, as you
learn and plan and achieve, that best will be better than it was before, and you can
congratulate yourself for every step that you take.  Meantime just do not expect too much
from yourself, we can only do what we can, given the tools we have in each moment.

Don’t judge yourself (or others) – each moment is only one step on our journey.  Even
if you take a step backwards, don’t waste time and energy on berating yourself for that, just
get back on the track.

Everyone needs a bit of space to themselves once in a while, so ensure that you
do get this, and don’t let anyone else make you feel that you can’t take it – we need to rest
and renew ourselves, recharge our energy.  We all have different ways of doing this, so
plan for it as part of your life, just don’t overdo it – there is a big difference between taking
time out now and again to do something inspiring, and withdrawing or retreating from
things.  It should be time to do something positive for yourself….. yes if you need to sleep,
then sleep, but ideally you could meditate or read or write or draw or play music, go for a
walk, visit a friend, or do anything you love.

Meditation is fantastic for regaining and strengthening our deeper sense of self.
It can also be used as a tool to train our minds to do what we want instead of getting in our way.

Plan lists of anything else you want to learn or achieve – You can come back to this
later, it is just to get your thoughts clear for now  Don’t just think about work, think about
hobbies, enjoyment etc too, anything that might help you (and your partners, and
children, if you have them) have more fun.  Obviously sometimes you may need to do
things on your own, but this can be planned for – if you really want to do it, make sure
you put it on your list, don’t leave anything off or limit yourself just because your logical
mind says it isn’t practical!

Writing all these things down helps to give them more potential.  If you faithfully
make your lists as suggested, then you will find it useful to refer back to them to remind
yourself of your thoughts and renew your positive motivation.  Another main factor about
writing all these things down is that it clarifies your intentions, which helps you focus on
what you want.  If our minds are less muddled then we are simply much more likely to
follow what we have set down, so this focus removes the muddle and sets you on track.

We can go a stage further and use life coaching charts to actually make step by step
plans of how we are going to get from point A to B.  These are different from the
lists above, because these exercises here are looking at your whole life really, whereas in
life coaching plans you need to focus on one or two specific areas – for example how to get
to do what you want at college, how to plan to move country, how to give up a bad habit,
how to save or pay off debts, how to get fit or lose weight, how to basically achieve any
goal we choose to.

We make the steps along the way realistic and achievable alongside time frames that
again are realistic and achievable.  We also add in details like who is going to help or
support you where help is needed, for example you may need a child-minder so that you
can attend college, or you might just need to be able to phone someone up for moral
support if you are feeling tired and demoralised.  Or you might just be able to refer back
to your book where you have written your list of reasons for doing this in the first place
to regain your sense of motivation.  In any case, your plan will also include rewards for
achievement along the way to help keep up your motivation.  We need to bear in mind
that any cycle of change is bound to have slight setbacks once in a while as it is normal to
feel very motivated to start with then run out of steam a bit if things get tough, but the
thing is just to get back on up and on with it again as soon as you are ready, and not waste
time and energy regretting the setback.  If we are prepared well enough, then we will
have the support in place to help us get back on track.  I have life coaching charts
available on so that you can use them
yourself if you wish to.

If you want to find something to do and you are not sure what that is yet, then I do also
have a system included in my Life Coaching packages to help you tap your
to identify what you most want.  This might help mums returning to
work or mothers whose children have left home, for example, to decide what sort of a career
or business they might want to go for, or define what hobbies or college course might suit
someone.  Again, this is on my website

I also love to help Young People and have specific materials available about communication
with them, and helping them to make the transition into adulthood.

I have other guides such as ‘Confirming your Joy’, as well as the Meditation and Stress Busting
ones, all available via  There are ones
related to Creativity, and Spirituality, and Evolving Consciousness as well.

Creativity is not just about the generally recognised arts, it includes all sorts of
things, like cooking, sewing, woodwork, gardening, flower arranging, decorating, you name it,
we all have some creativity in us.  Creativity is also often an outcome of curiosity, which
children usually have in abundance, so looking at things around you can naturally lead on to
creating something in relation to that.

Creativity helps you express yourself, and your appreciation of life.  Both of those
help add to your sense of confidence and satisfaction because you are interacting more
with the world around you through your creativity, which also involves a deep level of
noticing details.  So I always advocate that people watch other people, animals, plants,
anything at all, and really note the finer details of behaviour, natural beauty, and the
amazing diversity of life, the interaction between things, and also how things function so
incredibly well – including our own bodies.  It is equally inspiring to know that even if
we may not function that well all the time, we can always do something about helping
ourselves return to our optimum state.

available hereThere are some specific pointers in there that will be helpful to Mums returning to 
work, plus an example form called “Improving Belief in Self as Parent and as having
Valuable Skills & a Right to a Career of Own Choosing”.Life Coaching ­ Pack of All 3 Achievable Goal Planning Sections ­
How to Maximise Success, Help to Decide, and all FORMS ­ £6.50
(which gives a saving of 50p on buying them separately as detailed below).
[The sections are also available separately so that people who don’t need the “help to
decide” section can save by just buying the other two.  And sometimes people just want
the “help to decide” section and then take it from there themselves because they might
already know about life coaching, but that is a unique extra developed by me.  Or people
might just want to use my forms and look at my examples, although I do obviously
recommend looking at the 2nd section too, as there is so much useful information in it.]
Life Coaching 1 ­ How to HELP yourself DECIDE WHAT you really want to do ­ £1.50Help with deciding on your goals in the first place.  It’s best to get really clear before you
begin the planning stage so that you don’t waste time and effort.
For example, you could be trying to decide which course to study, what to do as a career
(or change of career), or for a hobby etc, but you can also apply it to any decision you
are not sure about (like moving home, ending a relationships, travelling etc).
We do sometimes subconsciously block our own progress, particularly if we are not sure
what we want, or if we don’t have enough self esteem or confidence in ourselves.

Life Coaching 2 ­ HOW TO develop achievable Goal Plans, and put realistic
Timescales, Support, and Rewards in place TO MAXIMISE SUCCESS ­ £2.50

Includes details of what to think about before starting your plan.
Includes details of how to prepare plans successfully by avoiding certain pitfalls.
Includes details of how to keep motivated and communicate your needs to rally support.

Life Coaching 3 ­ Goal Setting FORMS ­ £3

Includes blank form for your use, plus a tutor form with guidelines on,
plus several examples.

Examples include: 1) paying off debts, 2) losing weight and getting fit alongside study
times, job, and committee member obligations, 3) planning workshops with all the admin
etc included, and 4) Improving Belief in Self as Parent and as having Valuable Skills
a Right to a Career of Own Choosing.


I really hope that this has been helpful, and that anyone interested in planning to achieve
goals will take the next step and get the life coaching packs, but please do also feel
free to phone or email with any questions, or if you would like further support.

Whatever choices you make
best wishes!

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