Dear Vibrant Universe



Dear Vibrant Universe,
please untie all the knots within me –
I surrender them to your graceful infinity.
Please bathe me in your living light
to cleanse me of all dis-ease.

Please assist me to keep balanced,
and to reach my optimum state of being
right here, right now, in this lifetime,
so that I might fulfill my chosen destiny.
Thanks, love, peace, blessings everywhere.

Jewel1bgrnd1 (1)





Waterfall Meditation


Waterfall Meditation to Relax and Cleanse – with script below


A lovely waterfall for you to stand under to relax and cleanse – both externally and internally.


I want you to close you eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Today you are going to give yourself a treat!

Smile, and nod to yourself, you deserve it!

This is going to be good for sure.


Now I want you to imagine that you have arrived in a beautiful warm place where there is a waterfall.

It is just about the height of a double storey house, and it is very easy to walk right up to it.


Now imagine all the rest – the detail – exactly what it looks like, sounds like, smells like.

Is there a little pool beneath it, or is there flat rock or sand, or are there boulders and moss?

Are there trees or bushes or flowers around the area?

Are there birds singing, butterflies fluttering, and other living things about?

Picture where the sun is shining and what is in shade.

Just keep looking at this beautiful scene while you breathe out and in, slowly, deeply.
Feel the beauty enveloping you.


You feel drawn towards the waterfall itself now, and begin to walk forward.

You want to feel that water on your skin.

You move further and further towards it in your minds-eye, and prepare to get in under it.

You long to feel the water massaging your shoulders and back.


Eventually you are there – standing under the waterfall, absorbing the wonderful feel of the water on your head, and every part of your body.

You turn to let it reach all the parts you want, then you stand straight to let it really massage away any stresses and strains you may have carried.

You feel them washing away from you.  You are letting go more and more.

All the tensions are dissolving and slipping away.

They run off with the stream downhill, and you are able to breath more and more deeply as you relax.

You start to feel joy coming in, it is filling up all that freed up space, gladly.

Feel it pouring into you.

You may sing to yourself as you feel more and more renewed and rejuvenated – or you may simply move your body gleefully in a happy jump or dance.


Now imagine that even the inside of you is being cleaned along with the rest.

Just feel the movement of the water dissolving all the gunk, like mud being rinsed out with a hosepipe, and watch it wash away.

This includes emotional gunk, worries about anything at home or work, any negative feelings.

The pressure of the water simply unclogs everything.

Let it go. Let it go.

If you want to, you can use your hands to help rub everything away.

You can shake your head, your arms, your legs, you can even jump up and down or stamp each foot in turn, until it’s all gone.

All that is left is the pure you, fresh and renewed.

You feel a whoop of joy, or laughter, or song, bubbling up as you reach the end of the process, knowing you are free of the weight of all that has now gone.



It’s up to you now if you want to stay and play awhile or come straight out.

Magically, when you need it, there is a soft towel for you on a bush or rock or laid on the grass – just ready to be softly wrapped around you – the new refreshed you – prepared to go forth once more into the world.  Yes!

Picture yourself dressing, or continuing to play, and when you are ready, open your eyes and return to your normal space.


If in a group, you may like to take a little while to share your experience, or you may wish to write something down, or even draw.


Further Practice:


You can use this waterfall again anytime you want, or envisage a different one.

You could even do a similar cleansing visualisation in your shower.


Deeper Practice:


If you have a problem you want to sort out, or a decision to make, then you can ask for help with this while you are under the flow of the water.

Ask the water to clear away all that is irrelevant and leave you with crystal clear insight about what to do.


If you have no idea at all of where to turn, you can ask the falling water to give you clues.
While your mind is in this open state, you should be able to interpret those clues intuitively, for example the water may seem to wash around a rock in the shape of something relevant, or you may simply get a picture or idea in your head.

You may even see something come into your landscape, like a fish, a bird, or an animal, to show you something – so if something seems to appear in answer to your question, watch closely what it does, shows you, or brings you.

Just trust your impressions, and make what you can from it.

Your own brain often uses symbols, like in dreams, to try to help you resolve something.  Poets and artists use such symbols in their work to deliver particular meaning.

As you stand there with you clue, a sort of story may form around it while the water continues to cleanse and assist you.

Or the wider story or meaning may develop later on.  Once back in your normal state, for example, you might even come across one of your given symbols, so take note of what that is showing you.

Blessings to all of you.




Pep Talk


Hey you, you’re amazing!

Have you thought about the details of how your body works?

How everything fits together to make a human being that can do so many things, never mind just physically surviving?

Down to the incredibly tiniest detail, everything pulls together to make you a living miracle, able to walk on this astonishingly beautiful earth.

Doesn’t it just fill you with wonder?

As long as you give it good fuel, exercise, and rest, your body manages pretty well.


And your mind – well, it’s like and extra extraordinary bonus software programme with multiple added functions all thrown in.

You can use it for basic things like how to drive your body machine in specific ways to achieve heightened accomplishments like winning races or doing jujitsu.

You can use it to learn vast reams of information that might help you to take a lead in some specialist field or to become an all-round knowledgeable person who just takes pleasure in satisfying their mind’s innate curiosity and their ability to take good care of themselves, their circumstances, and help those around them.


But did you know that you can use your mind to actually rewrite some of its own programming?

We all know that some of our programming could do with being updated – we might even be carrying programming handed to us via our upbringing or particular experiences or circumstances – rather than it all being of our own conscious making.

So – you can choose what you want to change, figure out a good way of doing it, then start taking those steps.

You can gradually change habits by simply reminding yourself what your priorities are, and by giving yourself other things to effectively keep you from falling back into old patterns, for example a delicious cloudy apple juice instead of that beer or another coffee fix, or a deep breath rather than plunging into an angry reaction to someone or something that you might later regret.


But it can get deeper than that.

You can use guided meditations to reach into the deeper parts of your brain and re-train it to move past redundant programming and accept the new – such as overcoming fears, and replacing old thoughts with new ones to focus on.

For example you could be telling yourself how amazing you are to be able to fly – to see the world from way up high – travel to new places to explore with delight.

You can literally breathe in a sense of joy by focusing on that to keep the old fear out.

You can write the new scripts yourself – the ones that help you evolve into the new you that you have chosen to be – the one that dared to take the next step to heighten your own experience of being – to enhance your already magical existence.


Or you can ask someone like me to help.  I can help you write personalised scripts to suit whatever needs you wish.
I can also work individually or with groups – at any venue – even small groups gathered in a living room – to teach you how to use guided meditation, the most amazing tool, to empower yourself.

It is incredible where you could go with this.


