Breathe – a Poetic Meditation for gratefulness, forgiveness, and letting go



Breathe……. gratefulness, forgiveness, and letting go to move forwards (the script)

Relax your body from top to toe.
Relax, relax.
Feel your heart beating, steady slow.
Through every part of you – feel the blood flow.
Breathe, Breathe.

Think of all the things to be grateful for –
and give thanks –
all the things that help you survive –
each morning, each day, each night –
the things that make life worth living,
the little tasty pleasures,
the beautiful, the intriguing,
the chance to help others –
breathe, breathe
and appreciate them.

Thank those who love you, believe in you –
Inhale that love, breathe, breathe,
and send love back.
Thank those who are there for you –
smile, and send them hugs.
Thank those who listen to you,
Those who treat you with respect,
and those who you know really care.
Breathe and feel them in your heart.
Breathe, breathe; and relax.

Forgive any issues,
misunderstandings from the past –
let go of all regrets, concerns.
Breathe, breathe.
Relax and breathe them out.
Feel your heart beating, steady, slow.
Through every part of you,
Relax, and feel the blood flow.
Breathe, breathe;
Relax and let everything go.

Now, now – you are new,
and refreshed.
This is the moment you step into next.
Breathe, breathe;
and go forward in peace.

New beginnings await you –
it’s up to you what that means.
Breathe, breathe;
and know you have strength
for whatever adventures you meet.


Recharge and Balance Meditation



Recharge & Balance – the script for the above Meditation

Make sure you are going to stay quiet & warm throughout.
Settle comfortably & relax your body.
Breathe gently & Relax.
Breathe gently & Smile to enhance the effects.
Now follow the actions, and say these words in your heart:

I am open to the Cosmic Life Force.
I am grateful for its sustenance of me.
I am grateful for the chance to experience life here.
I am grateful for the beauty here and all around everywhere.
Thank you, thank you.
I am grateful for the lessons here too.

I feel the Cosmic Life Force recharging me.
(Breathe gently)
It gives me vitality – every day.
(Breathe it in)
It recharges me – it enables me to do what I want & need to.
(Breathe it in)
It sustains me as I live my life here.
Thank you.

I am part of the Universal Flow.
I am one with it – living in it.
(Breathe it in)
I am experiencing life – experiencing consciousness –
extending the flow.
(Breathe it in & out again.)
I feel it in me – running through me –
balancing me – helping me be my true self –
blessing me – blessing me.
Thank you,

The Universal Flow balances me whenever I need it.
(Breathe gently, knowing this.)
It aligns my energies efficiently.
(Breathe, breathe, & smile)
It enables me to return to my best self.
(Breathe gently)
I am balanced in all situations.
Thank you – Thank you.

The Universal Flow allows me to let go.
(Breathe, breathe.)
I let go of things that are not beneficial to me –
whether mental, emotional, or physical.
(Breathe, and let go.)
I let go of all blocks to my happiness & health.
(Breathe, breathe, and let go.)
I relax and regain total balance now.
(Breathe gently)
Thank you – thank you.

I am now balanced – and recharged.
I know I can constantly live in this Flow.
I know that the Life Force constantly sustains & recharges me.
I am very grateful for all of this.
(Breathe gently.)
I also know that I can Consciously Ask
for the effects to be enhanced anytime I wish.
I just need to relax, breathe gently,
focus on the feelings, and let it happen –
then smile, and give thanks.

Waterfall Meditation


Waterfall Meditation to Relax and Cleanse – with script below


A lovely waterfall for you to stand under to relax and cleanse – both externally and internally.


I want you to close you eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Today you are going to give yourself a treat!

Smile, and nod to yourself, you deserve it!

This is going to be good for sure.


Now I want you to imagine that you have arrived in a beautiful warm place where there is a waterfall.

It is just about the height of a double storey house, and it is very easy to walk right up to it.


Now imagine all the rest – the detail – exactly what it looks like, sounds like, smells like.

Is there a little pool beneath it, or is there flat rock or sand, or are there boulders and moss?

Are there trees or bushes or flowers around the area?

Are there birds singing, butterflies fluttering, and other living things about?

Picture where the sun is shining and what is in shade.

Just keep looking at this beautiful scene while you breathe out and in, slowly, deeply.
Feel the beauty enveloping you.


You feel drawn towards the waterfall itself now, and begin to walk forward.

You want to feel that water on your skin.

You move further and further towards it in your minds-eye, and prepare to get in under it.

You long to feel the water massaging your shoulders and back.


Eventually you are there – standing under the waterfall, absorbing the wonderful feel of the water on your head, and every part of your body.

You turn to let it reach all the parts you want, then you stand straight to let it really massage away any stresses and strains you may have carried.

You feel them washing away from you.  You are letting go more and more.

All the tensions are dissolving and slipping away.

They run off with the stream downhill, and you are able to breath more and more deeply as you relax.

You start to feel joy coming in, it is filling up all that freed up space, gladly.

Feel it pouring into you.

You may sing to yourself as you feel more and more renewed and rejuvenated – or you may simply move your body gleefully in a happy jump or dance.


Now imagine that even the inside of you is being cleaned along with the rest.

Just feel the movement of the water dissolving all the gunk, like mud being rinsed out with a hosepipe, and watch it wash away.

This includes emotional gunk, worries about anything at home or work, any negative feelings.

The pressure of the water simply unclogs everything.

Let it go. Let it go.

If you want to, you can use your hands to help rub everything away.

You can shake your head, your arms, your legs, you can even jump up and down or stamp each foot in turn, until it’s all gone.

All that is left is the pure you, fresh and renewed.

You feel a whoop of joy, or laughter, or song, bubbling up as you reach the end of the process, knowing you are free of the weight of all that has now gone.



It’s up to you now if you want to stay and play awhile or come straight out.

Magically, when you need it, there is a soft towel for you on a bush or rock or laid on the grass – just ready to be softly wrapped around you – the new refreshed you – prepared to go forth once more into the world.  Yes!

Picture yourself dressing, or continuing to play, and when you are ready, open your eyes and return to your normal space.


If in a group, you may like to take a little while to share your experience, or you may wish to write something down, or even draw.


Further Practice:


You can use this waterfall again anytime you want, or envisage a different one.

You could even do a similar cleansing visualisation in your shower.


Deeper Practice:


If you have a problem you want to sort out, or a decision to make, then you can ask for help with this while you are under the flow of the water.

Ask the water to clear away all that is irrelevant and leave you with crystal clear insight about what to do.


If you have no idea at all of where to turn, you can ask the falling water to give you clues.
While your mind is in this open state, you should be able to interpret those clues intuitively, for example the water may seem to wash around a rock in the shape of something relevant, or you may simply get a picture or idea in your head.

You may even see something come into your landscape, like a fish, a bird, or an animal, to show you something – so if something seems to appear in answer to your question, watch closely what it does, shows you, or brings you.

Just trust your impressions, and make what you can from it.

Your own brain often uses symbols, like in dreams, to try to help you resolve something.  Poets and artists use such symbols in their work to deliver particular meaning.

As you stand there with you clue, a sort of story may form around it while the water continues to cleanse and assist you.

Or the wider story or meaning may develop later on.  Once back in your normal state, for example, you might even come across one of your given symbols, so take note of what that is showing you.

Blessings to all of you.




Power of Logic & Affirmations (for Anger Management etc)


Power of Logic & Affirmations to Free us from Destructive Emotional Storms & Reclaim Respect & Control.

What is your relationship like with yourself?  Sometimes we let ourselves down, getting sucked into destructive emotional storms, even though we can see this ultimately works against our desired objectives.  Storms spew out far too much at once and thus tend to break everything down.  If we lose control in this way, we lose the respect of others, and might even lose respect for ourselves.

If we can stand back from our emotions and look at them logically, we can then find ways of training our minds to handle them differently.  To start with you can only do this after the event – when you are not in the midst of being caught up in the storm of emotions.  Gradually though, you will learn to do it as you begin to feel the emotions rise, or even in the middle of an event, to calm you down again.

It is much more logical to NOT LOSE or GIVE AWAY the power of positive possibility, by not giving in to negative turmoil, so don’t let yourself be overwhelmed!  If you do, then you are literally just giving away your power to the other people involved, or losing it to the situation itself.

So, let’s consider these affirmations to help us build up positive power and learn to keep it going for ourselves.

Could you please ensure you are sitting comfortably in a position that allows you to breathe deeply and slowly as you listen
Please try not to put up resistance to the affirmations, they are designed to help you get past blocks, and the more you listen to them the more they will help you.
Please try to listen with your eyes closed so that you are relaxed and focused.  They will be read out slowly enough for you to absorb them, like a guided meditation.
If you really feel a resistance to the idea of listening, then please at least read the affirmations through to yourself.  I suggest doing this several times over a period of several days, until you do feel ready to listen to them.  Being relaxed and just listening will help them get through at a deeper level, when you are ready to be open to this.


I feel confident in myself as a person, to do what I need to do in life.

I do not let what other people think affect this, however I am willing to learn from valid comments, and let go of all the rest as being irrelevant.

I do not waste my power and energy on worrying about what others think, I merely reconsider my own situation honestly, and move on.

I will not become upset by criticism, or take any of it personally.  I am not responsible for other people’s thoughts or needs, only for my own.

I will simply consider if there are any points worth learning from, and let go of anything else.

I do not react in a way that shuts me off from the possibility of learning.

Sometimes I accept that people are going to say things because they believe they should, and I am able to let that go, like water off a ducks back, if I feel it is not valid.

I do not let it anger me, I let it slide off, let it go.

I realize that melodrama can be addictive.  It may seem exciting, but it really gets in the way of things.  I therefore choose not to waste my time & energy on that, instead of progressing.

It is more important to use my time and energy to move forward with situations.

I do not allow myself to succumb to reactions that get in the way of making the best of things.

I simply breathe to let emotions go, and move on with life.

I accept that people have a right to their opinions, but they do not need to affect me, unless I think they have a valid point for me to consider.

I accept that sometimes they may even wish to help me, and I accept that sometimes this may actually be of benefit, so I don’t allow my emotions to cloud my ability to listen.

I do not allow negative emotions to get in the way of my progress.

Any judgement is gently dismissed – as if blown away on the breeze.

I will not put up resistance, I will simply let it go.

I understand that if I try to resist something it only brings negative power to the situation, when it would be better to move on to something more positive.

I do not give away my energy, and precious time, by indulging in these negatives, but turn instead to directing my energy towards the next steps.

I am focused on making something new and better.

As I breathe out, I take my attention to more positive thoughts.

I begin to see more clearly what I could do next to improve the situation, instead of being caught up in churning it over and over.

I notice the good things around me, and in my life, and smile to myself.

I can even see the good things in people more easily, and the positive potential of situations.

I know that if I can let go of irrelevant stuff and relax, I am much more able to do well.

This applies to all my relationships, as well as to situations – partner, children, friends, and even those I have to do business with.

I am also developing a better relationship with myself.

I know that I can get on well with myself and my life if I let go, rather than let myself get wound up by others.

I realize that letting others wind me up only gives them power over me, so I choose instead to keep my power for myself, and direct it to where I want it to be.

I realize that anger, resentment, and bitterness actually sabotages myself.

So I do not allow myself to shoot myself in the foot, because this is obviously illogical.

I focus on my breath instead, and calm and let go in each moment.

I consider things logically later, when I am in a safe place to do so.

I know that I have the power to be COOL, CALM, and COLLECTED and to not allow others, or situations, to affect my own best ways of managing things.

I breathe in the calmness and let it fill my body right up.

I focus on feeling it coming in with each breath.

I feel powerful and in control.

I know I can find my best way forward whatever the situation.

I trust myself to keep steady.

I allow myself to unwind whenever I need to so that I can then get on with moving forwards.

I realise that animosity and stubbornness can get in my way.

I can see that there is nothing to be achieved from arguing over a point.

It is best for me to consider things later and decide for myself how to best move forward.

I do not waste time and energy on arguing because I know it is much more important to focus that energy on moving forward positively.

I keep my eyes on the positive because this allows the negatives to just slip away.

I do not give my energy away, or allow it become scattered.

I draw on it to help me, and those close to me, to succeed and be happy.

I hold my power gently within the centre of my body.

I can use it for myself and those close to me anytime I want to.

I realise that it is better to be humble and considerate, which lets life flow,  than to shout and wrestle, which only puts up resistance to life.

I do not let animosity and stubbornness arise, I simply breathe in to CALM and move on to a more positive focus.

I realize that volatile emotions are usually destructive, and I know that I do not want to destroy relationships or situations, so I breathe out to let any unwanted emotions go.

I want to give things the best chance of working out, so I direct my energy to that, and the positive things I can do.

I always remind myself to let go and calm, so that I can keep focussed.

I breathe to relax so that I can go on as positively as possible.

I CHOOSE the power of logic over the power of destruction.

I choose not to waste my energy on anger, bitterness, and fear of results, but to focus my energy on getting the good things done instead.

I choose not to waste my energy on worry either, as I realize that it is all hypothetical, so I use all the energy to ensure getting the best results.

I focus now and every day on moving things forward positively.

I know that I can do this.  I trust myself to do this.

I breathe in the calmness anytime I need it, and I let go of all the negatives, so that I can be the best I can be.

I do not put undue pressure on myself though, I relax wonderfully into being my best self.

I feel power gathering in me when I breathe, filling me up and helping me to progress steadily.

I feel power, like oxygen, in every cell of my body, and smile, or nod.

The smile, or nod, switches on a light in the centre of my body, and in my head.

I feel the light filling me up too, as it flows around my head, and around my body, in my blood.

I feel that I am growing as I become more filled with light and gentle power.

I feel the strength of my self-belief expand in a calm and sure way.

Now I am easily able to let go of stuff I don’t need – anytime I want to.

I trust myself to be calm yet powerful.

Calm, DIGNIFIED power fills me, and lifts me, now, and anytime I need it.

I now understand how to conserve my personal power, as well as how to build it up.

I am now ready to begin to live in each new moment with more  and more of this steady power available and able to help me.

I know that I am now able to take more and more control of my future.

I will use these affirmations regularly, because each time I do so, I will take them on at a deeper level, and become more and more able to use them consistently, and even automatically.

I feel confident in myself as a person, to do what I need to do.

By facing up to things instead of obscuring them with emotional storms, I earn more and more respect.

I know now that quiet assertion is a much better way to say what I need to say, than to get sucked into melodrama.

I am now able to focus on the important points, and communicate effectively & efficiently, instead of wasting time and energy going in circles and dragging in unnecessary stuff.

I now command & deserve respect from others, and I also have more respect for myself/

I am steady and focused as I now go about my life.

Now open your eyes and stretch or move around to ensure you are fully awake.
Have a drink of water maybe.
Discuss your impressions if you wish, or simply hold them inside you for your own reference.

Take the power with you at whatever level you are ready to choose, and return to the affirmations anytime you wish to remind yourself about them, or to take them on at deeper levels.

Note if your impressions & responses change each time you do them.

There are many more self-help tools available via our website


Spiritual Coaching 1 – Video


Top Tips – Our Total Wellbeing in this world – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual – related in sequence of our relevant energy centres.

SCRIPT – Spiritual Coaching TOP TIPS

Hi, I’m Julia Woodman, Writer, Counsellor, Healer, & Personal Development Coach (amongst other things), and my main TOP TIP is that

EACH ONE OF YOU has the power to be the masters of your own life.

Develop confidence by using spiritual or personal development tools, and allow yourself to grow gently through the years – training your mind to help you rather than hinder you. Be heart centred and steady instead of emotionally volatile and vulnerable.

Now I am going to split my main tip into seven sections to match the (coloured) energy centres of the body from the base upwards.

• ROOT – Grounding, and Safety or Security.
Anchor yourself to the world so that you can experience life fruitfully here. Understand that F.E.A.R. stands for ‘false evidence appearing real’ – know that you can learn to see beyond it and be the master of your own life. Aim to develop a sense that you can cope with life, using a combination of your own instincts and skills, plus the help of others in this human team. Be willing to help others in return, though it may not be the same ones who helped you, it’s all a cycle. Life itself is a natural cycle. Maintain an awareness of your roots.

• SACRAL Centre – Vitality, and Connection with the Wonder all around you.
Be aware – observe details in nature, and consider animal and human behaviour. Appreciate the incredible beauty and unlimited variety in life. Find ways to be creative, and nurture ideas. It is amazing what we can do, and how things work. Focus on the vitality in your body and mind as you move and think and enjoy life. Collect inspiring motivational quotes and natural beautiful things. Enjoy the raw energy available in life.

• SOLAR PLEXUS – Self Esteem and Confidence.
Recognise that you can change your views any time you choose to. You are the sum total of what has been passed on to you, and of what you have learnt, thus far — therefore it always keeps changing as you grow. Nobody has all the answers, and each of us has a slightly different perspective anyway, so don’t hide your individuality, express it, and respect the individuality of others. Feel your self esteem growing as you realise that you have the power to keep learning new stuff and making your own choices about who you want to be and how you want to live. Take responsibility, seek experience, and learn what you need to, with the express intention of fulfilling your sense of self. Let the sun shine for you.

• HEART – LOVE dissolves all negativity.
We come from the same origins, but have differing viewpoints, so don’t judge others, let them be. Accept that they have as much right as you, to do what they wish, to make ‘mistakes’, to learn or not. Forgive them instead of taking anything personally. Holding onto resentment only hurts you, so surrender it. Boost yourself with positive thinking tools such as affirmations. Look for the positive sides of people & events. Take the opportunity to learn from things that ‘go wrong’. Let the wonderful greens and pinks of nature caress your heart.

• THROAT – Clarity and Communication.
Be clear with yourself about what you want from life, as this will automatically guide you. Communicate with others clearly, and with patience & consideration. Show them how to understand your viewpoint & let them show you how to understand theirs. Try not to bother with small stuff, focus on what is most important, and plan your approach. Show gratitude for all the good things. Let the clear stream flow.

• BROW – Follow your Intuition.
It is a path into the deep side of yourself that knows things that you may not consciously be aware of, especially if your mind is cluttered or stressed. Use tools such as visualisations, and meditation to help train your mind to be steady and more able to work for your specific benefit, instead of getting in the way. Trust that deep blue.

• CROWN – We all seek the Bliss of Union.
From trusted friendships, to lovers and life partners, to connecting with what we might think of as an ultimate creative force, or being, or stream of consciousness. Allow yourself time for this, but don’t try to force it, everything will flow into place naturally as you humbly become more and more of yourself. Let the beautiful spiritual purple bathe you.

Good luck — and do feel free to ask me more about this.

Julia Woodman — Radiance Solutions

Safe Cave Meditation for Relaxation, Renewal, and Confidence


this was written on request for a client

Safe Cave Meditation for Relaxation, Renewal & Confidence – THE SCRIPT (includes some extra tips at the end)

You know there is a cave somewhere
in your imagination – that you can go to
if you want PEACE & QUIET.
I want you to take yourself there now
and just wander around checking it out
before you sit down in the best spot.

You feel SAFE in your cave, and secure.
It’s a place where you can be CALM
and RELAX, and LET GO of worries.
It’s a place where you can REST
and RE-CHARGE before carrying on.
It’s a place you can ride out ANY storm.

So settle down and make sure
you are comfortable & warm.
and count them as you let go of worries – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
As you count you RELAX more & more – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 –
Count until you feel sleepy – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12.

If any thoughts do arise, just set them aside –
let them wash away in the stream
that is gurgling gently nearby.
wash, washing away in the stream.


Now FEEL SOFT LIGHTS in your cave –
Maybe fairy candles or glow worms – to SOOTHE you.
They have come to help you RE-CHARGE.
So now focus on RENEWING YOURSELF.
Feel their light COMFORTING you
and gently giving you NEW ENERGY.

With every BREATH, feel more LIGHT
steadily coming INTO your body.
BREATHE IT IN and feel it in your chest & abdomen –
in ALL parts of your body, your head, and your limbs.
Now feel it warming your heart

Also now you feel an ORANGE GLOW
in the lower parts of your body,
which gives you a sense of STRENGTH.
Feel that VITALITY spread –
and join with the yellow confident light

which you can take out into the world
and use anytime to BOOST yourself.
Use it for difficult situations
to keep you STEADY in yourself.
TRUST yourself to REMEMBER this.

Now just focus on your breathing
Give thanks for this, and everything else you have to be grateful for.
Then count again, backwards to retunr – 12 – 11 – 10 – and on
to – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – breathing more lightly now – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 –
and feel yourself ready to stretch, and rise up.

Move about a bit, rub hands on thighs etc – if you need to ensure you come back fully to the present moment. If you go deep into a meditation, it can take a few moments to be properly present afterwards. Having a drink of water helps too.

After a bit of practice with your imagination, you should be able to imagine that bubble around you at any moment you might need it. After a bit more time, it can even happen automatically, so you will then never feel quite so vulnerable again.
If you want to, you could even ask the fairies or glow worms to make you wings, and feel what it is like to wear them, and imagine what you could do with them. You can then imagine you have them any time you want to rise above a situation.
You can use just the first part of this meditation to help you fall asleep if you have difficulty with this. You could use the second half to help you wake up in the morning too if you wish.
If you have difficulties with communication, or need to prepare for a public performance, you could also add in a bit where the lovely pale blue of the stream water rinses your throat, washing away fear of speaking, and letting you feel what it is like to be clear, and concise, with what you want to say, so that you can use this experience in real life too.
There is a saying in LIFE COACHING that if you ACT AS IF something is true (pretend you are, for example, cool, calm, and collected), then it is like having the real experience of being that, so it becomes easier for you to learn that skill. (This can even apply to falling asleep – if you have trouble with this, then act as if you are pretending to someone else that you are asleep, like children sometimes do with parents, then before you know it, it may actually be so.)
Another way to boost confidence is to say “I can do it, I can do it, I can do this!” to the rhythm of your steps when walking, or hand claps, like a chant or mantra. Children could have fun with that part of it too, or might like to make up their own. So might you. can help you create your own meditations, visualisations, affirmations, or other personal and spiritual development tools.
There are also a lot of tools already available via
