I’m helping to support this Peruvian farmer in her brave stand


please sign the sum of us petition

sum of us petition

Máxima Acuña de Chaupe has been fighting for years to save her land and her community. Newmont Mining is determined to destroy both for a massive, open-pit gold mine — which would drain four mountain lakes in an arid farming region.

Newmont Mining has already lost in court to Máxima, and her land should be safe. But now Newmont-backed security officers have invaded Máxima’s house and destroyed part of it.

Máxima is strong, but she needs our support to win against Newmont’s aggressive bullying tactics. If hundreds of thousands of us speak out now and tell the mining giant that we are watching Máxima’s back, the corporate bully may finally back off. Will you send a message to ensure Máxima’s safety?

please sign the sum of us petition




What do you really want of me?  Some people seem to think they need to fulfil certain criteria for their partners, but really the answer is “I want you to just be you – the one I love.”


We don’t need to make decisions about our own lives based on what we think others want.  Even if we think we know what they want, we are probably wrong!

Yes, obviously you do make decisions together about things that affect the workings of your life – logistic things – like when to have supper and what you might like to have, how to approach getting DIY tasks done, where to meet after work.

And these things certainly apply to jobs – how to work as a team to meet the objectives.

But they don’t apply to your personal choices about who you are being deep down, what you are interested in, how you behave in the world, what your lessons in life might be, what you want to learn, and do.
No one person should be influencing another to be other than themselves – this is not really love – unless they simply do not understand the implications of what they are doing, and would be willing to try to understand this in order to consider doing things differently.  (Note that I said “consider” – if they do not wish to give you the freedom to be yourself even when they do understand the implications then this shows that they do not truly cherish you for who you really are, and may prefer to control you, or try to make you into someone to fit their needs.)


We should not have expectations of others, other than to be themselves, and try to make reasonable efforts to get on with each other and with things that need doing so that you can function as a couple or team.  These things merely require the willingness to: communicate, compromise to reach joint decisions about practical things, and to actually get on and do your share.  They have nothing whatsoever to do with trying to control or change who a person is.

If you want to try to change another to fit your needs, then you should look at why you think you have such needs.  The idea of love is simply to give love and be loved in return.  You love just as you are and just as they are, otherwise it is not love in the first place – it is merely some idea that you quite like someone and if you can just mould them to fit your needs they will do – but this can never work, not even if you are desperate!

We also have to understand that people are affected by circumstance, and make allowances for this – they may grow past it or not, but that does not mean we love them any more or less.  Hopefully pure love will get you both through, but it is difficult if you don’t communicate.  You have to not be afraid of talking – trust that the other will want to listen and at least try to understand.  But it is not our job to try to ‘fix’ another, just to be there for each other.  So as long as you can communicate enough to share your love, so that you do have some joy in your life together, you should be fine.

Perhaps part of cherishing is also being grateful for what you do have.  Try to remember all the good things if you are in any doubt.

We should look at the good things in life in general as well, in order to cherish life itself.


Come visit our CHERISH board on Pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/woodmanjulia/cherish/



xx namaste

Leo quotes / tweets


#leo #quote as a kitten just love to #play and explore with endless #curiosity

#leo #quote as a cat i love to lie in #sun & still #explore & #play but a little more #seriously playing at #life my way

#leo #quote as #lion i will #roar if stood upon or not given a say – #free #expression & #sharing of mature #cat findings

#leo #quotes cat poem in julia woodman video … with Africa & yachting poems + economic & political satire + nature

#leo #quote – leo walks quietly seeking out #life but can get on a rock and #roar when it’s called for, or just to express joy

#leo #quote may look like a pussycat but ain’t no #pussycat

#leo #quote kitten games come naturally coz #life is fun, #philosophy coz life’s intriguing, #creativity to celebrate all

#leo #quote what’s #cute, don’t do cute, i’m a leo

All above by julia woodman –

See my twitter account for many more leo quotes / tweets by others


Wow, Beings of Light came through when I was in the bath (contemplative = open).


Our lives may seem meaningless in the sense that we are simply part of the one-ness expanding possibility, but we make meaning for ourselves by choosing the directions of our expansion.

We are like waves arising from the universal ocean and returning over and over again, similar but never exactly the same.

We may as well learn, have fun, explore, make the most of our chance at life. What more is there? Let go of anything else that interferes with this joyous expansion!

Let your heart & soul lead your mind to direct you into true grace and delight.

Never hurt another for it makes tiny holes in your soul’s fabric that are hard to mend.

All beings are equally sacred.

Let your joy be seen so that it can spread like a blanket of sky lit by smiles of sun rays or moon-shine & stars.

Emotions stemming from possession or control can never touch pure joy; that is only felt by heart & soul at one with the universal ocean.

You don’t ever really control, you choose in each moment what to do next, how to define yourself – and live with the consequences.

You don’t ever really possess, you may borrow for a while, things to distract you or clutter up your life, but you will put them down again if you wish to follow a path without having to carry a heavy & useless load.

Yes, you may have toys to play with, but they can never define you. What is at the heart of your being defines you. What you do in each moment reflects that.

Even if you become lost one moment, you may return in the next. Keep an eye on the path you wish to walk.

If you walk lightly and look around you, you will not stumble or miss much.

Other beings will walk freely in & out of your life no matter what you may do, so it is best to simply bless them while they are there, and let them go as they will.

Immerse yourself in the universal ocean.

Let love, peace, and wisdom fill you and overflow out.

Consciousness laps the infinitely multi-dimensional shores within & outside of itself.

Always, everywhere, everything flows.



You can order a guide that contains the previous channellings from the Beings of Light here

(It’s the 5th one down on the list of guides available – other’s include stress busting, meditation,

and confirming your Joy.

