Recharge and Balance Meditation



Recharge & Balance – the script for the above Meditation

Make sure you are going to stay quiet & warm throughout.
Settle comfortably & relax your body.
Breathe gently & Relax.
Breathe gently & Smile to enhance the effects.
Now follow the actions, and say these words in your heart:

I am open to the Cosmic Life Force.
I am grateful for its sustenance of me.
I am grateful for the chance to experience life here.
I am grateful for the beauty here and all around everywhere.
Thank you, thank you.
I am grateful for the lessons here too.

I feel the Cosmic Life Force recharging me.
(Breathe gently)
It gives me vitality – every day.
(Breathe it in)
It recharges me – it enables me to do what I want & need to.
(Breathe it in)
It sustains me as I live my life here.
Thank you.

I am part of the Universal Flow.
I am one with it – living in it.
(Breathe it in)
I am experiencing life – experiencing consciousness –
extending the flow.
(Breathe it in & out again.)
I feel it in me – running through me –
balancing me – helping me be my true self –
blessing me – blessing me.
Thank you,

The Universal Flow balances me whenever I need it.
(Breathe gently, knowing this.)
It aligns my energies efficiently.
(Breathe, breathe, & smile)
It enables me to return to my best self.
(Breathe gently)
I am balanced in all situations.
Thank you – Thank you.

The Universal Flow allows me to let go.
(Breathe, breathe.)
I let go of things that are not beneficial to me –
whether mental, emotional, or physical.
(Breathe, and let go.)
I let go of all blocks to my happiness & health.
(Breathe, breathe, and let go.)
I relax and regain total balance now.
(Breathe gently)
Thank you – thank you.

I am now balanced – and recharged.
I know I can constantly live in this Flow.
I know that the Life Force constantly sustains & recharges me.
I am very grateful for all of this.
(Breathe gently.)
I also know that I can Consciously Ask
for the effects to be enhanced anytime I wish.
I just need to relax, breathe gently,
focus on the feelings, and let it happen –
then smile, and give thanks.

Dear Vibrant Universe



Dear Vibrant Universe,
please untie all the knots within me –
I surrender them to your graceful infinity.
Please bathe me in your living light
to cleanse me of all dis-ease.

Please assist me to keep balanced,
and to reach my optimum state of being
right here, right now, in this lifetime,
so that I might fulfill my chosen destiny.
Thanks, love, peace, blessings everywhere.

Jewel1bgrnd1 (1)





A Holistic Approach to Loving our Bodies and Our Lives


To get a bit of healthy discussion going between our experts, Julia has a follow up post to last weeks Wednesday Wisdom on Body Confidence. (This was on another website, but I have left the mention in so that it makes sense as you read.)

I agree with Star’s 11th July Wednesday Wisdom Blog “Body Confidence”, but of course there are many other things we can love about our bodies than how they look.

I am continuously amazed by how well we are put together, how our bodies work, and the incredible things we can do with them.

I am grateful for the systems that function to keep me alive and well.  Just look at the details – isn’t it incredible?  Aren’t we incredible!

I like to feel strong and fit, and am pleased that I can do physical work sometimes, and feel that different kind of tiredness at the end of a day that is really satisfying, and bodes for a sound night’s sleep that is really renewing.  The more muscles we use the better – it’s not so great to do things that strain some areas and leave others untouched – but we can remedy this by doing other things which do provide more of a balanced form of exercise and make us feel good all over.

I love to dance.  It’s amazing how we can wriggle and shake and twist, bend and spin and kick.  I revel in the feeling of it, and being able to express a response to good music in this way is wonderful.  I make sure to roll my shoulders to release tension, and sway and rotate my hips at least some of the time, to prevent them from stiffening up as I get older.  I often have a good laugh too, by the way.


Yoga and martial arts are great, not only for the movements that stretch us and keep us supple, but also for the balance we develop.  From the centre of our bodies we can then move our limbs more effectively.

Lots of sports test your abilities and skills.  I tend to prefer individual non-competitive ones such as windsurfing and climbing, but of course there are loads of team sports and things you can do with your friends too.

Swimming is fantastic for overall body exercise and way of keeping fit, and doesn’t put any weight bearing strain on your skeletal frame. Walking is absolutely excellent for you, especially if you can do it in a lovely natural environment which is soft underfoot and beautiful to enjoy.  The steady movement not only exercises us in a balanced way, it also allows stress to seep away, and our breathing to deepen and cleanse us.

Exercise has many added benefits – it boosts good brain chemistry (but don’t overdo it as it can actually become addictive because of this).  It also helps toxins to clear from all areas of our bodies as we move and breathe to stimulate all our systems.

It’s great if you also drink more water to help clear toxins out after exercise, or anytime in fact, rather than go for other drinks all the time.  If we are exercising well, then we also tend to go naturally for more healthy foods, rather than comfort foods.  Food is something else we can really appreciate and enjoy in a sensory way – the taste and aroma’s, as well as the visual.  And if we eat the right things for our bodies, that of course also helps them to function better.

Of course, it is more than just the physical that we can love.  I advocate total mind-body-spirit balance if you want to really make the best of life, and give yourself every reason to love and appreciate yourself, and your interaction with the world around you.

We are physical beings experiencing life here – ideally in energetic balance between the earth and the universe.  We need to find ways to stimulate our minds, and have fun at the same time.  And we need to look at our spiritual side too, to make life satisfying and meaningful.  I can help with this.  Why not take a look at some of my guides and other articles on this blog or on my website, such as “Breathing to Balance….”, “How to Feel Great”, “Philosophy & Sensuality”, “Spiritual Coaching”.  “Being Lighter than this…” looks at a blend of the mental and physical to optimise performance in any area, including sports, studies, interviews, and public appearances.

I really advocate being creative and sensual in life, as well as developing practical skills, and using our minds as tools. We can use our awareness and intention to notice and enjoy things, as well as to learn new things, all of which enhance how we live.

We can fine-tune ourselves to live optimally, and really get the best out of life.  As a Counsellor and Stress Consultant, I can help deal with any emotional issues that might get in the way of finding your balance here, and of becoming comfortable with yourself and with others.  And as a Life Coach, I can also help you to plan how best to move forwards with anything you might wish to achieve.

We can look around us at the amazing complexity and diversity of things; how the many eco-systems of the earth work, the intricate details and variety of life, and also how the solar system incredibly allows life to exist here.  I hope that you can enjoy a sense of wonder at it all, and share it with your children too.  If we can hold onto that sense of child-like wonder in life, and not let it be dulled by work and other pressures, then it stimulates both mental and spiritual curiosity, and boosts your overall enjoyment of life.

Look also at the amazing skills and unique attributes we have, or can develop.  Life is chock-full of opportunities to use them, to explore, to learn, and to become more and more of who we can be.

So, I encourage you to think holistically rather than putting too much emphasis on one area, and try to optimise your overall life experience.  Loving it all means that you cannot help loving yourself because you are part of it.


How we can feel peaceful and empowered enough to deal with almost anything


Peace comes from within. “Peace is Power!” Even when we know about all the ugly stuff that goes on in the world, Peace is Power is still the best response!

I understand that ’Namaste’ means something like ’the god in me recognises and/or honours the god within you’. The word God can mean whatever you believe it to mean, for me it is the conscious stream of life from which we all come, and to which we can stay connected throughout our lives as a source of peace, wisdom, love, support, knowing, inspiration, vitality, security, balance, and inner strength.

I think that awareness is paramount, because in awareness we gain understanding, which then enables us to regain our feeling of empowerment. We need to feel empowered to make our choices consciously, about how to deal with things in life, rather than reacting in fear (which tends to make us blind and weak).

If we are aware in such a way, we can be realistic yet positive, and we can properly focus our intentions. This will help us deal with pretty much any emotions, events, changes or plans.  It will even help us to deal with mental or physical health issues

Awareness can be quite sensual (which can add to your sense of feeling empowered). Think about how your body moves as you live your life, how amazing it is; think about nature, observe the intricate beautiful details of natural things, and of things we create (including tapestries & garments, pottery, art, poetry & stories, music, dinners & other meals, woodwork & metalwork, buildings, inventions, plantations & gardens, etc). Breathe deeply to soak it all in and feel great.

Focus on the taste of food, the feel of textures in cloth, the feel of your partner’s hand in yours; smell the sea breeze, listen to the wind in the trees, witness the colours of the leaves, the children playing; the kind gestures of family & friends, and be thankful for this life we are experiencing – this life we can all help to keep wonderful.

Feel the wonder of being alive flood into you anytime you want, by taking a deep breath and letting the experience of these things fill you up.  You can give yourself a great boost by doing this anytime you want, even just by remembering the details.

We all have that same stream of life within us, so you are a part of everything.  Each one of us has the power to make a difference to everything.  Breathe in that vital connection to the life source and sensual beauty everywhere.  Feel loved and strong enough, and you will have the confidence to deal with pretty much anything.

Julia Woodman – Radiance-Solutions –
Life Coaching, Counselling, and Personal Development –
Help, support & advice available by phone and email

Life Coaching can help you plan the details of what you want to do and how to achieve these goals.
My service has also helped people decide what it is they actually might want to do.

Counselling can help you sort out any issues that might be getting in your way.

I also have many more personal development tips and tools available to help support you
They will offer you inspiration, and add to your sense of security, balance, and wellbeing.
They will boost your awareness and help you focus your intentions towards fulfilment.
However, the above idea, if used regularly, will help you well on your way to being able to
face anything.



It will soon be yet another new year, and I would like to share some posts that might help with that positive new start:


We need to be in balance to live optimally on this planet.  We are spiritual beings who have come to live in a physical body to experience and learn from life here.  We need to be connected to out Earth Mother Root to ground us here, as well as maintain a connection with our Universal Father Wisdom.  I want to suggest a way of doing this through the breath and then go on to suggest a couple of other things.

First we need simply to practice slow deep breathing as a basis for this.  Breathe in slowly and deeply, then pause for a few seconds before breathing out again, also slowly.  Pause again for a couple of seconds before breathing in again.  Count if it helps you to focus.  The in breath and out breath may differ slightly in length, so find what suits you best.  The pause between the in and the out breath may be slightly longer than the pause between the out and the next in breath, again find out what suits you best.

At the end of the out breath you may also like to add a harder little blow to get every last bit of air out, but in the second phase of this exercise you may find it easier to discard that tactic again. For now I just want you to think about nurturing yourself through your breath.  The in breaths should be filling your lungs deep down with good clean air and the out breaths should be clearing out that air again along with any stale stuff left in the nooks and crannies.

Phase two then focuses on the few seconds where you pause between breathing in and out.  You should not be holding your breath in a forced way for too long, just a gentle relaxing pause, where you can start to focus on forming and drawing on your connections.

Firstly, in the gap between in and out breaths, I want you to feel as if the universe is pouring into you through your head, your throat, the top of your spine, your heart, whatever works best for you.  Feel the immense peace, love, wisdom.  Feel it renew your life force, your confidence in being yourself, your sense of knowing wonderful things, and your sense of being cared for.  You might sense colours such as purple, dark and light blues, green, and pink.  Also maybe pure white. Just let them swirl around and within you, trusting in their beautiful healing, strengthening, renewing, and balancing properties.

Secondly, in the gap between the out and the in breaths, focus on your connection with the earth that allows us to live here, feel it like a root drawing up the energies of vitality  into your body through your feet, up your spine, and into the abdomen.  Feel a sense of security, safety, strength, nurturing and protection.  You may sense colours such as red, orange, and yellow.  Also maybe gold.  The yellow and orange can also flow directly into your abdomen via sunlight, or via picturing autumn leaves dancing in the breeze for example, and the gold tends to flow around you rather than into you.

Enjoy this as often as you like.  Through everything we do in our lives, we can feel these connections aligning us, enabling us to function more optimally.  After a bit of practice it only takes a few seconds thought to focus on the connections to boost ourselves if we are feeling tired, or fearful, or before an event such as having to give a speech, sing, write an exam, run a race, face up to any demanding situation with poise and grace.

If you have sinus issues you can use a similar thing to obtain some relief, and balance in your head.  Press a finger against one nostril and breathe slowly through the other.  Then pause at the top while you change your finger to the other nostril.  Now breathe out through the second nostril, then pause briefly again at the bottom before breathing in again through the same nostril you just breathed out of.  Then swap over at the top of the breath again back to the first nostril and breathe out through that.  Do it about five times for each nostril then stop and just relax – feeling the head and sinuses come to balance.  Don’t overdo it or it will make you dizzy.  You can use this simply as a sinus clearing exercise, or can include the visualizations and perceptions mentioned above.

Another thing you may like to try is to imagine that your spine is the staff in the centre of the medical symbol, and that the two spirals around it are the powerful red coming up from the earth root, and the pure white coming down from the original universal source, twining together to support you with everything you need to be master of yourself.

I will be adding more blogs for new year inspiration over the next few weeks……….