Breathe – a Poetic Meditation for gratefulness, forgiveness, and letting go



Breathe……. gratefulness, forgiveness, and letting go to move forwards (the script)

Relax your body from top to toe.
Relax, relax.
Feel your heart beating, steady slow.
Through every part of you – feel the blood flow.
Breathe, Breathe.

Think of all the things to be grateful for –
and give thanks –
all the things that help you survive –
each morning, each day, each night –
the things that make life worth living,
the little tasty pleasures,
the beautiful, the intriguing,
the chance to help others –
breathe, breathe
and appreciate them.

Thank those who love you, believe in you –
Inhale that love, breathe, breathe,
and send love back.
Thank those who are there for you –
smile, and send them hugs.
Thank those who listen to you,
Those who treat you with respect,
and those who you know really care.
Breathe and feel them in your heart.
Breathe, breathe; and relax.

Forgive any issues,
misunderstandings from the past –
let go of all regrets, concerns.
Breathe, breathe.
Relax and breathe them out.
Feel your heart beating, steady, slow.
Through every part of you,
Relax, and feel the blood flow.
Breathe, breathe;
Relax and let everything go.

Now, now – you are new,
and refreshed.
This is the moment you step into next.
Breathe, breathe;
and go forward in peace.

New beginnings await you –
it’s up to you what that means.
Breathe, breathe;
and know you have strength
for whatever adventures you meet.


New Book is out – please take a look at the blog about it


New Book is out – please take a look at the blog about it =

or of course you could go directly to Amazon from here if you’d like to order it =

on Amazon (UK), and Amazon (USA) –

or on Kindle (UK) – or Kindle USA –

Its 200 pages with b&w interior but includes graphics.



Dear Vibrant Universe



Dear Vibrant Universe,
please untie all the knots within me –
I surrender them to your graceful infinity.
Please bathe me in your living light
to cleanse me of all dis-ease.

Please assist me to keep balanced,
and to reach my optimum state of being
right here, right now, in this lifetime,
so that I might fulfill my chosen destiny.
Thanks, love, peace, blessings everywhere.

Jewel1bgrnd1 (1)







SOULutions & a Poem called PSYCHE


(Thanks to Bill Plotkin)

I am more soul than ego –

I exist in the dream of the earth

and it lives in me.

I am more spirit than ego –

I exist in the dream of the cosmos

and it lives in me.


I am hardly human –

I have never been

interested in conforming –

It’s not that I’m a rebel –

I just live by other standards.

I see the vitality of the natural

and am aligned with that.

I feel the bliss of the life force

and am aligned with that.

What people do is incidental –

I make up my own mind what is right.


I am at peace with my truth.

I connect with others who share the urge

to protect, create, and celebrate –

beauty, community, love,

and who live simply, ethically,

not hurting or damaging

or taking anything,

but giving back their gifts

to the world.


All facets of myself are embraced

and made useful,

so I can’t be pigeon-holed.

Although I do sometimes slip

into fractured states,

I am aware of how to re-integrate them.

I hear songs and dance energies

of earth, air, fire, water, and universe.

I see colours, touch, taste subtleties,

and bear witness to the astonishing variety

and perspectives of existence.

I preach harmony and symbiosis

at all levels, and in all directions.


Julia Woodman –







#affirmations – every day, i fill my #heart with new #thoughts, sweet thoughts

#affirmations – my #heart is open wide to #universe of #love and #grace

#affirmations – #universe is infinite #conscious #dream of bliss

#affirmations – #love and #grace fill me, spreading through me from my #heart

#affirmations – every day i connect with this #universe, this well-spring of #grace

#affirmations – my aura lets in #bliss but keeps out rubbish. I am strong, #detached from trash, but steady & continually #renewed

#affirmations – #emotions of others do not cling to me, #stress burns off like waves of heat, #fears swim away as though they never existed

#affirmations – i simply remember the #lessons & focus on my #intentions, giving #thanks for the #path i have walked & what it taught me

#affirmations – #peace surrounds me in every moment, i am #secure

#affirmations – i #breathe in the rhythms of the #universe, i flow with the #breath of the universe

#affirmations – i let go of #tensions, they float away from me but can do no harm to others, as the #universe neutralises them

#affirmations – i #love & i am #loved. I #am love.

#affirmations – i am part of the #infinite #beauty

#affirmations – i tap into the #wisdom that is everywhere

#affirmations – i listen to my inner #wisdom & follow my #joy

#affirmations – i let go of #distractions to be #me

#affirmations – i attract #peace & I am peace

#affirmations – my #truth is my #freedom

My mind & body are tools of my soul. I choose how I use them to dance my path. 

I thank my #body and my #mind for being with me, and take care of them. They are my partners, not my servants. I #respect them infinitely.

#Peace / #love / #freedom – all begin with me. It is my #responsibility to be peace, love, freedom.

I recognise when people show me erroneous thoughts or programs inside me that need cleaning, because they act like mirrors for me. It’s not my fault but it is my responsibility to rectify.

If you want to change anything, do it inside you first. Everything inside you is projected out. Love can change anything. Be your own guru.

The conscious mind can initiate the release of memories and unconscious programs replaying to fill our heads, instead of engaging with them.

Memories replaying interfere with our natural connection to the void or zero point where we connect with the grace and love of the Divine.

The Superconscious Mind lies between the Infinite Divine Intelligence & the rest of us. You can open up to operate from Divine Inspiration.

Shakespeare called repeating memories “fore-bemoaned moans”. Why let them play over & over when you can clean them & be freed?

At zero point, everything is pure grace. Let go to arrive at zero. When you get to zero, you also get infinity.

– I ask Divine to lead my life, so that I can truly be me & allow what is meant to happen to proceed gloriously.

I am aligned with my blueprint. I am love, I am loved, I am love. Thank you.

I am constantly both at peace and awestruck. The world we have come to experience is so amazing. 


All art & affirmations by Julia Woodman of Radiance Solutions


more affirmations here


Wow, Beings of Light came through when I was in the bath (contemplative = open).


Our lives may seem meaningless in the sense that we are simply part of the one-ness expanding possibility, but we make meaning for ourselves by choosing the directions of our expansion.

We are like waves arising from the universal ocean and returning over and over again, similar but never exactly the same.

We may as well learn, have fun, explore, make the most of our chance at life. What more is there? Let go of anything else that interferes with this joyous expansion!

Let your heart & soul lead your mind to direct you into true grace and delight.

Never hurt another for it makes tiny holes in your soul’s fabric that are hard to mend.

All beings are equally sacred.

Let your joy be seen so that it can spread like a blanket of sky lit by smiles of sun rays or moon-shine & stars.

Emotions stemming from possession or control can never touch pure joy; that is only felt by heart & soul at one with the universal ocean.

You don’t ever really control, you choose in each moment what to do next, how to define yourself – and live with the consequences.

You don’t ever really possess, you may borrow for a while, things to distract you or clutter up your life, but you will put them down again if you wish to follow a path without having to carry a heavy & useless load.

Yes, you may have toys to play with, but they can never define you. What is at the heart of your being defines you. What you do in each moment reflects that.

Even if you become lost one moment, you may return in the next. Keep an eye on the path you wish to walk.

If you walk lightly and look around you, you will not stumble or miss much.

Other beings will walk freely in & out of your life no matter what you may do, so it is best to simply bless them while they are there, and let them go as they will.

Immerse yourself in the universal ocean.

Let love, peace, and wisdom fill you and overflow out.

Consciousness laps the infinitely multi-dimensional shores within & outside of itself.

Always, everywhere, everything flows.



You can order a guide that contains the previous channellings from the Beings of Light here

(It’s the 5th one down on the list of guides available – other’s include stress busting, meditation,

and confirming your Joy.



How to use Meditation to send out Peace, Love, Healing, etc.


As a healer, meditation teacher, and writer I thought I had better put my skills together
and write a brief guide on how to do this for the members of our “Back to The Garden”
facebook group specifically, but also to share more widely.


Please see the guide on our website, here.


You help global consciousness, and at the same time help yourself feel great – by doing this.