Dear Vibrant Universe



Dear Vibrant Universe,
please untie all the knots within me –
I surrender them to your graceful infinity.
Please bathe me in your living light
to cleanse me of all dis-ease.

Please assist me to keep balanced,
and to reach my optimum state of being
right here, right now, in this lifetime,
so that I might fulfill my chosen destiny.
Thanks, love, peace, blessings everywhere.

Jewel1bgrnd1 (1)





Beware Phenylephrine – now added to lemsip, cold & flu capsules etc, even supermarket own brand meds


My husband and I both experienced differing negative reactions to the new ingredient in lemsip, cold and flu capsules, etc (it’s now in both the branded and supermarket own versions), so I thought I would share this info:

Notes for Healthcare Professionals

Applies to phenylephrine: compounding powder, injectable solution, intravenous solution, oral disintegrating strip, oral liquid, oral suspension extended release, oral tablet, oral tablet chewable, oral tablet chewable extended release, oral tablet disintegrating

Nervous system

Nervous system side effects have included headache, dizziness, nervousness, restlessness, tremor, insomnia, convulsions, and central nervous system depression.


Cardiovascular side effects have included palpitations, arrhythmias, and cardiovascular collapse with hypotension.


Psychiatric side effects have included hallucinations, fear, and anxiety.


Gastrointestinal side effects have included nausea.


Respiratory side effects have included respiratory difficulty.


Genitourinary side effects have included dysuria.


General side effects have included pallor and weakness.

Web MD says “These products do not cure or shorten the length of the common cold and may cause serious side effects.” and “Do not give other cough-and-cold medication that might contain the same or similar ingredients.” and “Do not increase your dose or take this medication more often than directed without your doctor’s approval. Improper use (abuse) of this medication may result in serious harm (e.g., hallucinations, seizure, death).”

These medicines did not used to contain this ingredient, it has only recently been added, so don’t be caught out, be very cautious.


In our humble opinion medicines [that aren’t absolutely essential] suppress the natural process of working a cold etc through anyway, and it tends to take longer to get over them.

Unfortunately people feel pressure to continue as normal and go to work with colds, but at the end of the day that only passes them on to most of your colleagues and ends up causing more of an issue at work than if the first person had stayed at home for a day or two.

We suggest you take an active role in your own health including researching ingredients in food & other products such as household, cosmetic, toiletry – remember that we absorb things through our skin and breath as well as via eating or drinking them.

We are the consumers – we decide!






#affirmations – every day, i fill my #heart with new #thoughts, sweet thoughts

#affirmations – my #heart is open wide to #universe of #love and #grace

#affirmations – #universe is infinite #conscious #dream of bliss

#affirmations – #love and #grace fill me, spreading through me from my #heart

#affirmations – every day i connect with this #universe, this well-spring of #grace

#affirmations – my aura lets in #bliss but keeps out rubbish. I am strong, #detached from trash, but steady & continually #renewed

#affirmations – #emotions of others do not cling to me, #stress burns off like waves of heat, #fears swim away as though they never existed

#affirmations – i simply remember the #lessons & focus on my #intentions, giving #thanks for the #path i have walked & what it taught me

#affirmations – #peace surrounds me in every moment, i am #secure

#affirmations – i #breathe in the rhythms of the #universe, i flow with the #breath of the universe

#affirmations – i let go of #tensions, they float away from me but can do no harm to others, as the #universe neutralises them

#affirmations – i #love & i am #loved. I #am love.

#affirmations – i am part of the #infinite #beauty

#affirmations – i tap into the #wisdom that is everywhere

#affirmations – i listen to my inner #wisdom & follow my #joy

#affirmations – i let go of #distractions to be #me

#affirmations – i attract #peace & I am peace

#affirmations – my #truth is my #freedom

My mind & body are tools of my soul. I choose how I use them to dance my path. 

I thank my #body and my #mind for being with me, and take care of them. They are my partners, not my servants. I #respect them infinitely.

#Peace / #love / #freedom – all begin with me. It is my #responsibility to be peace, love, freedom.

I recognise when people show me erroneous thoughts or programs inside me that need cleaning, because they act like mirrors for me. It’s not my fault but it is my responsibility to rectify.

If you want to change anything, do it inside you first. Everything inside you is projected out. Love can change anything. Be your own guru.

The conscious mind can initiate the release of memories and unconscious programs replaying to fill our heads, instead of engaging with them.

Memories replaying interfere with our natural connection to the void or zero point where we connect with the grace and love of the Divine.

The Superconscious Mind lies between the Infinite Divine Intelligence & the rest of us. You can open up to operate from Divine Inspiration.

Shakespeare called repeating memories “fore-bemoaned moans”. Why let them play over & over when you can clean them & be freed?

At zero point, everything is pure grace. Let go to arrive at zero. When you get to zero, you also get infinity.

– I ask Divine to lead my life, so that I can truly be me & allow what is meant to happen to proceed gloriously.

I am aligned with my blueprint. I am love, I am loved, I am love. Thank you.

I am constantly both at peace and awestruck. The world we have come to experience is so amazing. 


All art & affirmations by Julia Woodman of Radiance Solutions


more affirmations here


Simple Breathing Meditation (relaxing and letting go, plus gaining confidence & respect))



Use a very simple meditation to breathe out stress:

  • Sit or lie comfortably but making sure that no part of your body is restricted or strained (no sitting on feet, crossed legs, or lying on one elbow etc.
  • Now breathe deeply in and out, focusing on the breath and making it slow down.  Counting your in breath, then counting a pause, then counting the outbreath, can help.  Find a natural rhythm for you.
  • Now focus on relaxing parts of your body from the top down.  Head, face, neck, shoulders, arms.
  • Breathe deeply, and wriggle a bit if you feel inclined to, then do those same areas again.
  • Breathe deeply, and move down the body gradually until you are relaxed from top to toe.
  • Just to check, ask you body if there are any tense areas left, and go back to these.
    Use the word RELAX – say it slowly but meaningfully to yourself as you feel your muscles soften.
  • Now Breathe to let go of past issues – take deep breaths in, and let go as you breathe out.
  • LET GO of any tensions regarding past relationships.
    Allow yourself to let them go – you do not need to carry them now.
    Keep breathing until they are all gone, then give a last big sigh along with a shrug, shake, or wriggle.
  • Breathe out tensions regarding outside things or involvements affecting you or your family.
    Know that you can cope with this.  Take strength from what you have managed so far.
  • Breathe in confidence and self respect.  Ask the universe (or God) to support you, to give you the energy to continue to be strong, and balanced.
  • Now breathe out tensions about any financial or other worries hanging over you.
    You know you can only do your best, make what plans you can, and try to greet each day as it comes.  There is no point in wasting more energy on worrying, once you’ve done what you can.
  • Now breathe out any tensions about current family or relationship issues.
    Focus instead on all the positive things you are trying to do.
    Think also about the good things, the funny things, the loveable things, and be grateful.
  • Shrug, shake, or wriggle to let go of any last bits of tension, and you are done.

Use my mediations videos on youtube –

to help get you started on more ideas, and to get more of a hang of the idea of meditation itself –

or tracks on soundcloud –
(Julia Woodman / Radiance Solutions)

Life Coaching, Counselling, Healing, Creativity – (Advice & Support available by phone or email)





It will soon be yet another new year, and I would like to share some posts that might help with that positive new start:


We need to be in balance to live optimally on this planet.  We are spiritual beings who have come to live in a physical body to experience and learn from life here.  We need to be connected to out Earth Mother Root to ground us here, as well as maintain a connection with our Universal Father Wisdom.  I want to suggest a way of doing this through the breath and then go on to suggest a couple of other things.

First we need simply to practice slow deep breathing as a basis for this.  Breathe in slowly and deeply, then pause for a few seconds before breathing out again, also slowly.  Pause again for a couple of seconds before breathing in again.  Count if it helps you to focus.  The in breath and out breath may differ slightly in length, so find what suits you best.  The pause between the in and the out breath may be slightly longer than the pause between the out and the next in breath, again find out what suits you best.

At the end of the out breath you may also like to add a harder little blow to get every last bit of air out, but in the second phase of this exercise you may find it easier to discard that tactic again. For now I just want you to think about nurturing yourself through your breath.  The in breaths should be filling your lungs deep down with good clean air and the out breaths should be clearing out that air again along with any stale stuff left in the nooks and crannies.

Phase two then focuses on the few seconds where you pause between breathing in and out.  You should not be holding your breath in a forced way for too long, just a gentle relaxing pause, where you can start to focus on forming and drawing on your connections.

Firstly, in the gap between in and out breaths, I want you to feel as if the universe is pouring into you through your head, your throat, the top of your spine, your heart, whatever works best for you.  Feel the immense peace, love, wisdom.  Feel it renew your life force, your confidence in being yourself, your sense of knowing wonderful things, and your sense of being cared for.  You might sense colours such as purple, dark and light blues, green, and pink.  Also maybe pure white. Just let them swirl around and within you, trusting in their beautiful healing, strengthening, renewing, and balancing properties.

Secondly, in the gap between the out and the in breaths, focus on your connection with the earth that allows us to live here, feel it like a root drawing up the energies of vitality  into your body through your feet, up your spine, and into the abdomen.  Feel a sense of security, safety, strength, nurturing and protection.  You may sense colours such as red, orange, and yellow.  Also maybe gold.  The yellow and orange can also flow directly into your abdomen via sunlight, or via picturing autumn leaves dancing in the breeze for example, and the gold tends to flow around you rather than into you.

Enjoy this as often as you like.  Through everything we do in our lives, we can feel these connections aligning us, enabling us to function more optimally.  After a bit of practice it only takes a few seconds thought to focus on the connections to boost ourselves if we are feeling tired, or fearful, or before an event such as having to give a speech, sing, write an exam, run a race, face up to any demanding situation with poise and grace.

If you have sinus issues you can use a similar thing to obtain some relief, and balance in your head.  Press a finger against one nostril and breathe slowly through the other.  Then pause at the top while you change your finger to the other nostril.  Now breathe out through the second nostril, then pause briefly again at the bottom before breathing in again through the same nostril you just breathed out of.  Then swap over at the top of the breath again back to the first nostril and breathe out through that.  Do it about five times for each nostril then stop and just relax – feeling the head and sinuses come to balance.  Don’t overdo it or it will make you dizzy.  You can use this simply as a sinus clearing exercise, or can include the visualizations and perceptions mentioned above.

Another thing you may like to try is to imagine that your spine is the staff in the centre of the medical symbol, and that the two spirals around it are the powerful red coming up from the earth root, and the pure white coming down from the original universal source, twining together to support you with everything you need to be master of yourself.

I will be adding more blogs for new year inspiration over the next few weeks……….